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Understanding and Fixing Blocked Shower Drains

A blocked shower drain can quickly transform a relaxing shower into a troublesome experience at home. A clogged shower drain prevents water from flowing freely, resulting in unsanitary standing water pooling at your feet.

Shower drains commonly become blocked due to a build-up of hair, soap scum, and other debris over time. Small particles like soap scum and toilet paper can cause blocked drains when they wash down and accumulate. Tree roots growing into the plumbing system can cause severe obstructions.

Most homeowners will find that clearing a shower drain blocked with debris is usually straightforward as a DIY plumbing task. In this article, we’ll show you exactly what to do when you need to unblock shower drain concerns using common household items. We’ll also look at tips for preventing blockages and how to unclog shower drain issues in the future.

If DIY methods don’t work, it may be time to call in a professional plumber for assistance.

Persistent or recurring issues with your blocked shower drain can take its toll, possibly indicting the need for comprehensive plumbing service to address problems like a collapsed drain line or broken pipe. Our team, prepared to come out for optimised plumbing services, including CCTV drain inspections, has high-powered equipment and expertise to provide long-term solutions.

Our expert team can unblock your shower drain with next-day service and clear pricing, ensuring a hassle-free resolution.

Common Causes of Blocked Shower Drains

Several common culprits can lead to your blocked shower becoming an issue:

  • Hair - Strands of hair that wash down the drain can get tangled and collect, forming a clog.
  • Soap scum, which accumulates on drain walls from bathing products, can contribute to blocked shower drains.
  • Mineral deposits - Hard water contains mineral deposits that leave scale on drains over time.
  • Dirt and debris - Skin cells, dust, and other particles collect in drains.
  • Foreign objects - Bobby pins, jewellery, toys, and other items accidentally dropped can get lodged in drains.

As we shower, small bits of hair get washed down the drain. Over time, the buildup gets thick enough to obstruct water flow.

Mineral deposits from hard water are another factor that can get your shower drains clogged. Calcium and magnesium in hard water leave behind scale that narrows drain pipes. A buildup of skin cells, dirt, and debris exacerbates the issue.

Foreign objects falling down the drain are another possibility. Small items often become caught in drain covers and screens. Larger objects, akin to toys, may reach deeper into drainage pipes, with items such as a coat hanger potentially getting wedged and blocking flow.

Tree roots infiltrating the lines can also lead to a blocked sewer, affecting the main sewer line, which is a challenging but less common issue. Root systems can invade tiny cracks or gaps, growing tenaciously within your drain pipelines and potentially obstructing water flow.

By understanding the usual reasons for a blocked shower drain, we can prevent future clogs in your shower drain. Simple habits, such as using a drain screen and regularly clearing hairs from the drain, can do wonders to prevent future problems.

DIY Methods to Unclog a Blocked Shower Drain

Using a Plunger

A cup plunger is an effective item to address clogged shower drains. Here are the steps to clear the blockage:

  1. Donning rubber gloves, place the plunger firmly over the drain opening.
  2. Push the plunger down firmly several times, plunging with vigour to dislodge the clog in your drain.
  3. Flush the drain with hot water to see if the blockage has been removed.
  4. Repeat the plunging process if needed until water flows freely.

Baking Soda and Vinegar

The mixture of vinegar and baking soda creates a chemical reaction that effectively bubbles away grime in drains. Here’s how to employ household ingredients to unclog your shower drain effectively:

  1. Take the cover off, remove the drain cover, and inspect for any large items blocking the pipe.
  2. Pour cup of baking soda, precisely half a cup, down the drain for a potent, yet balanced reaction.
  3. Follow with a cup vinegar portion and immediately cover the drain.
  4. The mixture will fizz almost instantly, working wonders to clean out your drains by tackling stubborn grease and buildup and ensuring clear blocked shower drains.
  5. After the reaction, dump mixture down the drain and flush with hot water after 5-10 minutes.
  6. Repeat if the drain remains partly clogged.

The fizzing action breaks up debris, and the reaction between vinegar and baking soda helps dissolve soap scum as well as fatty residues.

Boiling Water

Pouring boiling water down the drain can melt and flush away common culprits like hair and soap scum. Take caution against burns by:

  • Fill a pot or kettle with water and bring it to a boil.
  • Carefully pouring the hot water down your drain in a steady stream.
  • Repeat the process 2-3 times for a complete rinse.

When to Call a Professional Plumber

Despite using DIY techniques, there are instances where a professional drain plumber’s skills are necessary:

  • The clog persists after trying several home remedies
  • Drain backups occur in other fixtures throughout the house
  • You notice signs blocked drains are presenting, such as gurgling sounds from vents on the roof
  • An overflowing drain causes water to back up, leading to water damage
  • There are recurring blockages or a chronic issue
  • You suspect a collapsed drain line or broken pipe
  • Invasive tree roots are encroaching into the drainage system
  • There is a bad sewage smell, even after plunging
  • You’re unable to remove the drain cover to access the clog

Failing to address a serious blockage can cause major problems. Our drain plumbers are equipped with specialised tools such as drain snakes and CCTV drain cameras to both identify and resolve obstructions effectively.

For prompt attention from professional blocked drain specialists, contact Lindfield Plumbing on 1300 349 338 or [email protected].

Renowned for our expertise, we deliver peerless services for any plumbing issue, ensuring efficient and transparent drain clearing solutions with same-day responses.

Benefits of Professional Drain Cleaning

Hiring professionals with experience in shower drain plumbing offers several key advantages over attempting DIY methods:

  • Advanced tools and equipment - Professionals have specialised drain snakes, augers, and hydro-jetters to thoroughly clear even severe blockages that basic home remedies can’t tackle.
  • In-depth expertise - Experienced plumbers understand the intricacies of drainage systems and have the skills to correctly identify and address the root cause of clogs.
  • Efficient problem-solving skills ensure to get the job done properly the first time, thereby reducing the need for repeat attempts and minimising frustration.
  • Preventative maintenance - Plumbers also provide maintenance like drain inspections and cleanings to proactively prevent problematic clog recurrences.
  • Repair capabilities - If drain blockages are caused by damaged pipes or infrastructure, professionals can complete necessary repairs.
  • Improved hygiene - Allowing experts to handle the mess and contamination of clearing drains reduces health risks.
  • Peace of mind - Knowing your drainage system is clean and flowing properly again alleviates stress.
  • Further damage prevention - Persistent clogs can call for our blocked drain plumbers as they can lead to pipes bursting, flooding, mould, and costly repairs if left unattended.

Lindfield Plumbing provides professional and efficient solutions to clear blocked shower drains, employing advanced tools and expertise to troubleshoot any drain issue.

Maintaining Clear Drains: Prevention Strategies

  • Clean the cover regularly.
  • Remove hair from the drain after each use - Pull out strands left behind to unblock shower passage and dispose of the hair in the trash.
  • Routinely flush with boiling water, which can dissolve grease and clear soap scum by pouring a kettle of hot water down the drain once a week.
  • Use drain-friendly hair and body products - Harsh chemicals and oils can build up. Opt for sulphate-free shampoos.
  • Minimise the use of chemical drain cleaners which can corrode pipes, opting for the safer white vinegar and baking soda mix.
  • Have drains professionally cleaned - A plumber can hydro jet pipes and ensure proper drainage flow.

Practising these simple habits will keep shower drains free of the most common causes of clogs like hair, soap residue, and grime. Contact Lindfield Plumbing on 1300 349 338 For professional drain inspections and cleaning services in Sydney, Do not hesitate to give us a shout for assistance.

In case of recurrent or serious blockages, our professionals might use pipe relining techniques alongside CCTV camera inspections for durable solutions. If your DIY efforts fail to clear a tough blockage, our cutting-edge tools and know-how are at your disposal.

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